OnlyFans Seltin Sweety


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My lonely life? You’re only life is the sick disturbed sad miserable pathetic delusion that you have a fake online relationship with a Russian porn star. 🤣🤣🤣

You really need some self introspection into how crazy that sounds to anyone with an actual grasp on reality and the most basic of intellect. 💯💯💯

I would feel sorry for you because you’re living in an alternative reality inside your head that doesn’t exist in the real world, but your conduct here has proven that you deserve every miserable thing that is happening to you, and you deserve the miserable lonely life that you are leading with this deuicibal belief. You’ve proven that you are irredeemable and a lost cause at this point. 🤡🤡🤡

LMAO how the fuck do you know this? 😆🤷🏻‍♂️ PROVE IT. 💯 You don't know anything about me or Seltin for that matter at all, just make it ALL up just cos YOU don't believe something, it doesn't mean it's not TRUE 💯
I don't live in any of your weirdo 'Alternative Reality' 🤪 only you do, a totally negative & sexist one, & I'm as Real as they come, if you actually even knew me! You don't even give any real answers for the proof I gave! 😂 🦗🦗 Only it's all a 'Management team' & YOUR made up 💩 about me blablabla & I've given more proof than you have, & have plenty more when Seltin is ready, so shut your lonely boy Sexist 🐽 mouth & move on with your boring Thread about a Girl that hates you ok. 💯
And I'll move on with mine, talking with Seltin. 💯👋🏻 I don't care if you believe it or not now. 😆🤷🏻‍♂️ She's just a 'Whore' to you Piggy 🐽 Chumps so who cares? And you & your other piggy Chumps can just wait for the rest of your proof to hit 💥👻 & I will be laughing 🤣 🤣 🤣🖕🏻as long if not longer than you have been here, I promise you that Rambling boy 🎯💯😆💩

EDIT: And you just replied with the exact same thing, filling up YOUR Discussion Thread so you don't care about anyone else here & so who looks like the 'unhinged' Pyscho now? YOU 💯 So I really believe you look like this when you laugh now & are a lost cause. 🤪💯 Definitely not a guy Seltin would look twice at, or talk to, with your intellect, you've proven that, & that's why you are so Negative. 😂🐸 And Fishy loves reading your 💩 over & over again cos he can't think for himself & likes your bacon 🥓 over again, right up his ass. Ooh AH OINK 🍑🐽😂🫶🏻👋🏻


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Well-known member
LMAO how the fuck do you know this? 😆🤷🏻‍♂️ PROVE IT. 💯 You don't know anything about me or Seltin for that matter at all, just make it ALL up cos you don't believe something, it doesn't mean it's not TRUE 💯
I don't live in any of your fucking 'Alternative Reality' 🤪 only you do, a negative & sexist one, & I'm as Real as they come, if you actually even knew me! You don't even give any real answers for the proof I gave! 😂 🦗🦗 Only it's all a 'Management team' & YOUR made up 💩 about me blablabla & I've given more proof than you have, & have plenty more when Seltin is ready, so shut your lonely boy Sexist 🐽 mouth & move on with your boring Thread about a Girl that hates you ok. 💯
And I'll move on with mine, talking with Seltin. 💯👋🏻 I don't care if you believe it or not now. 😆🤷🏻‍♂️ She's just a 'Whore' to you so who cares? And you & your other piggy Chumps can just wait for the rest of your proof to hit & I will be laughing 🤣 🤣 🤣🖕🏻as long if not longer than you have been here, I promise you that Rambling boy 🎯💯😆💩
We all know that your whole life is as a sick disturbed sad miserable pathetic delusion that fakes an online relationship with a Russian porn star. 🤣🤣🤣

You really need some self introspection into how crazy that sounds to anyone with an actual grasp on reality and the most basic of intellect. 💯💯💯

I would feel sorry for you because you’re living in an alternative reality inside your head that doesn’t exist in the real world, but your conduct here has proven that you deserve every miserable thing that is happening to you, and you deserve the miserable lonely life that you are leading with this deuicibal belief. You’ve proven that you are irredeemable and a lost cause at this point. 🤡🤡🤡
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