Others Post your wife


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Well-known member
unless the "wife" is actually making $$$ doing adult content, why would you put photos of your wife anywhere online? Do you have any idea how easy this makes it to find someone? All a person needs is 1 face photo and anyone could literally destroy that persons entire life. Job? no problem, easy to find. Friends? Sure, lets get to know them all,easy, Address, previous addy, phone #'s etc etc...and then theres the rest of the entire family. Virtually overnight destruction. Not to mention the lawsuit the victim would now possess. It's a slam dunk for the victim, and yes, just because its your "wife", does not make you immune to being sued, even if she okay'd it, prove that 4 years from now when she wants a divroce, 50% of the $$$ and property, suddenly she discovers her online presence and guess what she's going to say? WTF is this?! Hires an attorney, you tell the judge she said it was okay, she tells the judge she had no idea and this destroyed her ability to find proper employment, or whatever, it doesnt matter, she's a victim, your odds of walking away a free man are slim at best.
Tell me you don't understand kink, without saying you don't understand kink