Others Post your wife


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C’est l’hôpital qui se fout de la charité!
Tu ne postes rien, tu vas en privé arnaquer des mecs en promettant des échanges mais tu n’envoie rien. Et après tu oses venir en publique ici faire genre c’est l’autre qui te mets des pilules… la bonne blague
Je baise zéro meuf? Demande à ta sœur…
Je n'ai jamais pu t'envoyer quoi que ce soit parce que t'es tellement un trou du cul que tu n'a pas compris que je t'avais envoyé mon pseudo Mega pour échanger sur Mega. Toi t'es tellement con que tu pensais que c'était un lien avec ce que j'allais te partager. La preuve :



Active member
Je n'irais pas jusque la non plus. On est ici pour partager et pas se tirer dessus hein ;-).

Peace les mecs ! Y a des beautes dans le thread autant en profiter non ? :D
Oui mais quand t'as des gamins qui commentent juste comme des puceaux ou qui dénigrent les autres faut les inviter poliment à aller se faire enculer ☺


Active member
Voila une preuve que tu n’es qu’une merde @skin69
Ce n'est ABSOLUMENT pas une preuve, j'ai envoyé des photos perso mais il a cru que c'était du contenu volé sur le net. J'ai proposé de prouver que c'était bien mon contenu et je peu toujours le faire, je ne suis pas un bandeur de vie moi ☺. A mon avis il n'avait pas de quoi échanger et il ne peux pas prouver que ce qu'il envoi ici (toujours les mêmes photos qu'il supprime ensuite) est bien SON contenu. Moi je peux prouver


Well-known member
My Dutch wife with milky tits! :) Would like to see her fucked by someone else.. How can I change her mind to be open for my wish?
Your wife is really sexy and now I'm lasting with hard cock seeing her....to change mind not that easy, I did this way many years ago. By words no way...so I decided with the help one a good friend to do the follow bet. During a sex moment he came into the room and started to lick her ass. At th beginning she was reluctant but at the end she was surprised she liked a lot being fucked double pussy/anal. For sure it was a risk but you know it's part of the life. I's a shame I leave in Italy otherwise I could be that man jumping in. Good luck


Active member
Your wife is really sexy and now I'm lasting with hard cock seeing her....to change mind not that easy, I did this way many years ago. By words no way...so I decided with the help one a good friend to do the follow bet. During a sex moment he came into the room and started to lick her ass. At th beginning she was reluctant but at the end she was surprised she liked a lot being fucked double pussy/anal. For sure it was a risk but you know it's part of the life. I's a shame I leave in Italy otherwise I could be that man jumping in. Good luck
Your friend licking your wife without her consent is a rape


Well-known member
My Dutch wife with milky tits! :) Would like to see her fucked by someone else.. How can I change her mind to be open for my wish?
Yummy, the Dutchies sure seem to be built for sex and baby making. My bride is also dutch, curves for days!

Check out FetLife.com. It'll open you and her up to the world of kink. Makes it all seem normal, approachable, safe and enjoyable. Go slow and give in to all her kinks, in no time at all she'll be reciprocating yours.


Active member
My friends obviously was with her consent, what are you talking about. It's not a joke woman integrity. Thanks
"By words no way...so I decided with the help one a good friend to do the follow bet. During a sex moment he came into the room and started to lick her ass. At th beginning she was reluctant". Crystal Clear