Portuguese girls


do you have baemetz stuff?
Old stuff only.

tatiana neves

I don't know others
i have stuff from all of those but nothing that has not been shared in the telegram groups...

If you pick the popular girls you have a big chance of having seen everything somehere else, and new content does not magicly appear just because you want it, be patient and wait for new stuff to be released, those girls (in partucular) are well known and will eventually leak.
Jully, Tatiana and Dede are leaking all the time, it is not worth it to buy their content, particulary Dede, her content is very poor and the best stuff is behind a huge paywall. Jully's nice but with all the leaks you just have to be patient, and we are do allready. Tatiana is in the same boat as Jully but she is known for her scams, selling old videos as new, reposting photos and even using photos that are not of her (the hardcore ones).
To my knowlege there is no new content from Lara besides the leaked stuff an she is inactive on onlyfans, as is Baemetz, i think i saw thas she is using snapchat, whitch, to me, is a dead platform.

You really need to find new girls to follow, there is plenty and with better content.

Jessica Batista/djessyapbatista/fake_gringa

Thank you.
Unfortunately not, I did not know her, but i'll keep my eyes open.

Does anyone have stuff from Ivo Lazaro?
Yes but there is nothing new, everything has already leaked, he has forsaken the patreon and only cares about NFT's.


New member
What do you want? I have some sets.
I'm looking for some stuff from Andre Peixinho, he had a couple of budoir/sexy sets I'd love to get my hands on but he took them offline.
Ivo Lazaro also has some golden sets.

I'll look for an old heavy ivy folder I might have and leave it here for everyone.

Unrelated, if anyone has anything from Jeweless (@stefanicastellanoss) I'd love you for always!


I'm looking for some stuff from Andre Peixinho, he had a couple of budoir/sexy sets I'd love to get my hands on but he took them offline.
Ivo Lazaro also has some golden sets.

I'll look for an old heavy ivy folder I might have and leave it here for everyone.

Unrelated, if anyone has anything from Jeweless (@stefanicastellanoss) I'd love you for always!
Tagarela is a good candidate...
Pedro Costa, F Santos... They are all photographers that their content should be.... Hooooootttttttttt
Send me a private message if you can. I've everything organized by girl but i have stuff from all of those photographers. Not everything, yet, unfortunately.


New member
Send me a private message if you can. I've everything organized by girl but i have stuff from all of those photographers. Not everything, yet, unfortunately.
I'm not able to send a private message. if you can send you


New member
Send me a private message if you can. I've everything organized by girl but i have stuff from all of those photographers. Not everything, yet, unfortunately.
I can't dm you, I'm assuming I don't have enough stats on the site so I'll just leave it here, maybe anyone else has something.
I'm always looking for, I think one or two of them might be from Spain but are in Portugal.

Thanks so much for the effort!